"Get access to exclusive discounted shipping rates. You get an account representative to help improve your shipping process. You get access to our first-class customer service team and a wide variety of tools to help your business thrive."
Receive instant real-time shipping quotes with our pre-negotiated rates. Select from a variety of top tier carriers that provide the best rates for your business.
Spend less time checking your shipping statuses on multiple carrier sites. View all your data in a centralized location for a seamless Freightcom experience.
Just click and print! We automatically generate your shipping labels, customs forms, invoices, and all relevant documentation for hassle-free shipping.
Simplify the shipping process. Schedule multiple pick-ups at once, all in the Freightcom platform.
"Get access to exclusive discounted shipping rates. You get an account representative to help improve your shipping process. You get access to our first-class customer service team and a wide variety of tools to help your business thrive."
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Toll Free (887) 335-8740 x 156
Cell (416) 624-6206